We are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), one of the few denominations that ordain women to every role and one of the only ones who allow the ordination of LGBTQ folks. We also recently amended our constitution to define marriage as between two people, and not just a man and a woman. These last two decisions were as controversial for us as they were for our larger society, and are things that no church is required to do, but every church can if they choose.
The PC(USA) is a Reformed denomination with deep roots among the Scottish and Scotch-Irish and early American colonies. Our church is led by a group of Elders called the Session, ordained for life and then elected to serve three-year terms. We also have a Pastor, a small staff, and a Board of Deacons who are ordained for life and serve three-year terms. Historically, the PC(USA) has strongly emphasized education, and we have built schools and hospitals worldwide as part of our ongoing missionary activities. For more information, click here.
Click here for Presbyterian Church (USA) main website.