Church Growth/Christian Education
This committee seeks to nurture growth in all ages in our congregation to know more about God through Bible Study, Sunday School, Mid-Week Programs, etc. We also seek to find creative ways to invite new folks to participate and join in our community and church events and programs. We want to reach out to the community and offer our hand of welcome to all interested in a church home.
Meeting time: 7:15 pm on the third Tuesday of the month.
This committee seeks to find ways to balance a church budget to cover necessary expenses, programs, personnel costs, and mission efforts. This committee oversees investments, works to pay off the mortgage, envisions strategic financial plans for the future, etc. Meeting time: 7:00 pm on the third Monday of the month.
Mission, Action, Concerns (MAC)
We practice mission in our own backyard and to the far corners of the world. Over the years, mission trips have been led to Guatemala and to Gulfport, Mississippi. We currently support missionaries in Zimbabwe, Guatemala, and Slovenia.
Responsibilities of the MAC committee:
- To communicate with the congregation to: generate more excitement about mission needs, and encourage greater stewardship of time and money for ongoing and new projects.
- To be active in the community and provide a focus for a Christian response to community needs as they arise.
- To encourage mission education and awareness through the church school and to encourage our young people to participate in mission opportunities.
- To provide consistent outreach to our missionaries through visitation, correspondence, prayer, and study.
- To continue, after careful study and research, to disperse monies entrusted to us for mission needs.
Meeting time: 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of the month.
This committee is made of representation from the deacons, elders, and church members. This committee is voted in at a congregational meeting each January and seeks to call and invite church members to serve as elders and deacons in the congregation.
Meeting time: as needed.
Parish Life
This committee seeks to offer opportunities for fellowship and celebration throughout the year to encourage friendship among members and to create safe spaces to welcome guests.
Meeting time: 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month.
This committee oversees the hiring and compensation of staff and helps to facilitate feedback from the congregation regarding the staff. The Personnel Committee manages the arrangement for the fair and proper procedure for compensation. The committee works with the pastor to ensure that the staff are satisfied in their employment and are working to the best of their ability to accomplish the job at hand.
Meeting time: 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month.
This committee oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the historic structure of First Presbyterian Church of Phoenixville. This committee makes sure the building is up to code and that there is working air conditioning and heat in the facility. This committee makes sure that the parking lot and other areas are plowed and schedule repairs for plumbing, electrical, or other property concerns.
Meeting time: as needed.
This committee seeks to encourage the membership and guests to pledge their tithes and offerings to support the ministry of the congregation. This committee sponsors a lunch each year to celebrate the life and history of the church. This committee arranges for a campaign each year to highlight the importance of dedicating time, talent, and treasure to the church.
Meeting time: 7:00 pm on the third Monday of the month.
Worship & Music
This committee works to provide meaningful Sunday Morning Worship and special services throughout the year. This committee works with the pastor, and the music director, as well as church members, to decide when communion will be served and how it will be served, as well the format of worship that will be used and what decorations are used to enhance the worship experience.
Meeting time: 12:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month.